Farmer Testimonials
Mid-Macquarie Alluvial Valley – drilling based on AgTEM survey
The drillers started the 24hr pump test today. The pump that they are using pumps a maximum of 58L/sec. They have it set at that and the bore has drawn down to 18m which is also to top of the first screen. The standing water level is 11m. This is an excellent result and thank you for your contribution to the exercise.
Cattle Property near Manilla – drilling based on AgTEM survey
I just thought you might be interested in the results of exploratory drilling following on from your groundwater survey completed on our property.
You undertook the survey in August 2010 on our property situated SW of Manilla NSW using TerraTEM and a trailer mounted loop. The trailer mounted platform was still under construction at the time. We initially targeted the low resistivity anomaly in the NE of the surveyed area.
Drilling proceeded on the initial target to 52m depth and intersected:
0-1mSoil – red clay
1-29m mudstone (shale) – dark grey/blackdry & dusty
29-43m sandstones & siltstones – grey/green first moisture at 31m – NO DUST YIPPEE!!!!
43-46m greywacke – light grey/green water flow at 43m – 1000gal/hr – Excellent!!!!
46-52m greywacke – gr/gn water flow more than doubled – >2000gal/hr – Fabulous!!
Water flow pressure exceeded the capacity of the drilling rig compressor to activate the hammer.
As you may gather, we didn’t do any further drilling but cased the hole in preparation for a down hole submersible pump. Standing water level in the cased hole was last measured at 11.3m depth, approximately 33m of head.
Thank you for your completing the initial targeting survey. I would recommend the method for targeting drilling to anyone. I see it as very cost effective and potentially very successful.
10 L/s at 42m deep in fractured rock