Lippmann Earth Resistivity Meter

We supply and apply SchwaRTech (aka Lippmann) Earth resistivity meters for diverse applications imaging from laboratory scales to as deep as 160m. Cost of this meter is sufficiently low that it can be considered for telemetered monitoring or ERT transects combined with additional sensors such as soil moisture suction sensors (Watermark, GBLite and Gypsum Block sensors).
The SchwaRTech Earth Resistivity Meter has capability to reject streaming potentials and weights only 750grams making it ideal for use in our HERBI towed streamer submarine resistivity imaging for earthen water infrastructure sub-base Earth Resistivity Tomography mapping.
We also have some older 8 channel 2nd hand Lund Resistivity Meters.

The Lippmann Earth Resistivity Meter is used in most of our ERT applications including with streamers towed in our HERBI systems by the PlatypusUSV. It is not our own product and marketing is typically through Lippmann in Germany. If purchased through us we can offer specialization of application. It is almost an OEM resistivity meter and this means it can be adapted to many specialized tasks. Its light weight, low cost, and serial control facilitate time lapse monitoring with telemetry where other systems would be cost prohibitive. It is used with distributed Active Electrode switching in long roll-along cables for deep ERT and can be used with a prong frame or dragged tines for layered soil imaging.
In comparison with competing ERT systems, it has lower power but due to smart, auto-gain-ranging full differential analogue to differential design and signal processing it is known to be more than adequate for any resistivity imaging to at least 50m deep. Some competing systems tie multiple receiver channels to a single ground such that all must use the lowest common denominator gain. The Active electrode switching system of Lippmann allows effectively unlimited expansion even in 3D ERT whereas others require all electrodes to be wired back to the meter which is cumbersome and expensive. Lippmann cables are simply ribbon cable with IDC connectors which are easily replaced in the field whereas if you run over competitors cables a repair may involve careful preparation, soldering and insulation of numerous small wires and two-pack urethane potting.
The Lippmann meter is typically used, except on telemetered applications, with software called GeoTest which has a hydrographic option we use with our HERBI surveys.
The Lippmann meter offers spectral induced polarization (IP) acquisition too. For higher power and simultaneous multi-channel resistivity and IP acquisition users may look at the ABEM/Lund Terrameter or much higher power systems used solely for mineral exploration. We have some ABEM/Lund equipment in stock too.
Direct Current Electrical Resistivity Tomography

For groundwater, soil and weathered rock investigation, the Lippmann Earth Resistivity meter and Active Electrode System is idea for low capital cost exploration from centimetres deep to over 100m deep. It is ideal for time lapse moisture migration monitoring with or without Telemetry.
Groundwater Imaging configure ERT equipment for specialized applications in agriculture and mining.

100m long cables are leap-frogged along a traverse.

ActEle16 boxes are used with buried cables, waterborne and small scale survey.
Geotest Direct Current Tomography Acquisition Software for Lippmann Earth Resistivity Meter.
GeoTest supports multielectrode measurements along a profile line (profiling, sounding), along 2-D grids (mapping), automatic time dependent measurements (monitoring) as well as GPS position measurements. Also custom made measurements are possible. GeoTest supports hardware manufactured by “LGM - Lippmann Geophysical Equipment”. These are up to 255 active adressable electrodes. An extension supports HERBI waterborne system.
Earth Resistivity Meter for groundwater-prospecting near surface geopysics Archaeology
- Simple operation, ultra compact
- Internal memory for > 150.000 readings
- Measures complex resistivity
- 16 frequencies
- 10 watts output power
- Fast mapping function
- Various automatic modes
- Versatile power supply
- Full remote control
- Low price